Exciting and educational
“Space Kittens” is a giant coloring poster made in Latvia but drawn with love in Kharkiv by illustrator Yuliia Danylova. She creates illustrations for comics and prints about nature, people and everyday life. Even in the digital era Yulia loves sketching with color pencils a lot.
With this coloring poster kids will explore the cosmos with space kittens, participate in adventures to surf the universe with them, and dream about a world beyond the visible stars!
This poster is suitable for young children but it’s big enough for the whole family to get involved in the coloring process, so this definitely will be a fun family activity!
This poster is a 100% biodegradable product:
– Sustainably sourced paper;
– Special biodegradable lamination on the packaging;
– Biodegradable stickers.
Technical data:
– Size: 100x70cm;
– Paper: 120g;
– Offset printing;
– Plant-based ink (packaging and poster).
We donate 10% of the profits from each poster to support projects and initiatives chosen by the illustrators.
Yuliias chosen charity for 2023 is Charity foundation of Serhiy Prytula
The poster is made by a Latvian – Swiss company based in Latvia.